Expert guidance on adventure safety, teamwork, communication, and nutrition.

  • An icon of a clipboard and checklist to show expert guidance

    Expert Guidance

    Learn key communication, nutrition, and teamwork skills to boost confidence and readiness.

  • An icon of a watch to show cost and time saving

    Time and Cost Saving

    Save time and money through smart planning and partnerships with Range Global Services and Base Camp Food.

  • An icon of a pair of hands holding a safety shield icon to show safety and preparedness

    Safety and Preparedness

    Equip yourself with vital knowledge, skills, and equipment for a safe, enjoyable adventure.

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Feeling Overwhelmed Planning

Many adventurers and explorers face challenges such as inadequate preparation, unclear goals, and team co-ordination difficulties, leading to stress and frustration.

At Victory Adventures, we understand these issues deeply and provide tailored strategies to manage them effectively.

With our expert guidance, you'll start your adventure feeling fully prepared, aligned with your team, and equipped for success.

Discover how we transform overwhelming challenges into actionable, confidence-boosting steps, ensuring your adventure is both safe and rewarding.

Victory Adventure Services

  • A woman using a laptop interacting and watching an expedition workshop

    Expedition Workshop

    This workshop hones in on essential adventure planning elements—goal setting, communication, nutrition, teamwork, leadership, and team dynamics. Tailored for adventurers and explorers, it equips you with the necessary skills to start your expedition confidently, ensuring you're well-prepared for success.

  • Adventurer Nick Hollis using Satellite Phone on a Polar Expedition

    Satellite Communications

    Our partnership with Range Global Services ensures reliable satellite communication in remote areas, offering cost-effective solutions critical for safety, situational awareness, and decision-making during expeditions. Benefit from expert guidance, equipment access, and cost savings for seamless communication and enhanced co-ordination throughout your adventures.

  • A man eating freeze dried adventure food from a expedition pan

    Adventure Nutrition

    In partnership with Base Camp Food, our nutrition services offer nutritious, convenient, and cost-effective food solutions. Overcome the challenge of maintaining a balanced diet in remote areas with expertly planned meals and personalised nutrition guidance, ensuring optimal energy, health, and morale.

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Since 2019, I have successfully prepared and safeguarded 185 INTERNATIONAL teams, totaling 535 adventurers across two oceans. This extensive experience underscores my expertise and the global trust in Victory Adventures for managing challenging expeditions

Fraser Mowlem - Founder Victory Adventures

Fraser Mowlem of Victory Adventures as part of Team Row4Victory completes rowing the Atlantic in 2018 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge

Hi, I Am Fraser Mowlem,
Founder of Victory Adventures

I combine extensive military discipline with first-hand extreme adventure experience, establishing myself as a unique expert for anyone planning challenging expeditions.

With 23 years in the Royal Air Force and numerous endurance events under my belt, I provide practical, effective guidance. My approach is specifically tailored to meet the needs of adventurers and explorers, ensuring they tackle new challenges safely and successfully.

Client Testimonials

Licenses & certifications